Catalytic Finance Initiative verenigt banken en investeerders voor 8 miljard dollar voor duurzame projecten

Een consortium van belangrijke financiële instituten en investeerders hebben vandaag aangekondigd samen te werken onder het Catalytic Finance Initiative (CFI) om 8 miljard dollar aan toegezegde financiering voor duurzame investeringen met grote impact bijeen te krijgen. Partners van het CFI zijn AllianceBernstein (AB), Babson Capital Management LLC, dochteronderneming van Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), Credit Agricole CIB, De Europese Investeringsbank (EIB), HSBC Group, International Finance Corporation (IFC), lid van de World Bank Group, en Mirova, een dochteronderneming van Natixis Group. Alle instanties hebben kapitaal en expertise toegezegd ten behoeve van de ontwikkeling en bevordering van innovatieve financieringsstructuren voor investeringen in schone energie en andere projecten met een focus op duurzaamheid. Daarnaast werkt de Aligned Intermediary, vertegenwoordiger van een groep institutionele langetermijn investeerders, samen met enkele partners aan specifieke investeringsmogelijkheden. Deze bekendmaking volgt op de ratificatie van de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen van de Verenigde Naties en het historische klimaatakkoord in Parijs.

Catalytic Finance Initiative Brings Together Banks and Investors, Directs $8 Billion in Capital for High-Impact Sustainable Projects

NEW YORK-(BUSINESS WIRE)- A consortium of leading financial institutions and investors today announced a new partnership under the Catalytic Finance Initiative (CFI) to direct $8 billion in total commitments toward high-impact sustainable investments. Partners joining the CFI include AllianceBernstein (AB); Babson Capital Management LLC, a subsidiary of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual); Credit Agricole CIB; European Investment Bank (EIB); HSBC Group; International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group; and Mirova, a subsidiary of Natixis Group, all of which have pledged capital and expertise to develop and advance innovative financing structures for investments in clean energy and other sustainability focused projects. In addition, the Aligned Intermediary, representing a group of long-term institutional investors, will collaborate on specific investment opportunities with members of the partnership. This announcement follows last year’s ratification of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the historic climate agreement in Paris. It aims to promote the SDG objectives, including acting on climate change and advancing access to clean energy and water.

The CFI was originally launched by Bank of America in 2014 with a $1 billion commitment and a goal to stimulate at least $10 billion in new investment into high-impact clean energy projects through additional partnerships. Today, it has expanded to include several leading financial organizations with their own capital commitments. By working together, this leading group of global financial institutions and investors can combine their efforts to increase funding and significantly accelerate the transition to clean energy solutions and advancing the SDGs.

CFI partners bring expertise in a broad range of financial specialty areas. This includes clean energy infrastructure finance, green bonds, project finance, green asset-backed securities, emerging markets investment and advisory assistance, and approaches to blending public and private finance.

In a joint statement, CFI partners highlight the importance of this initiative:

“Financial innovation and capital play a critical role in the transition to a low-carbon economy. Through the Catalytic Finance Initiative and this joint partnership, together we can support the transition to a low-carbon economy and sustainable growth. By providing $8 billion in commitments, we can help to advance new investment opportunities in clean energy as well as other sustainable development goals and achieve the necessary scale for a positive impact on climate change.”

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