Quality standard for SRI Research

CSRR-QS 1.0® is the first quality standard conceived and worked out at sector level in the field of CSR and SRI research and analysis.

CSRR-QS 1.0® aims to improve quality management systems and to stimulate transparency, to facilitate assurance processes and to form a basis for further verification procedures.

This pilot version of the standard is a technical document, drawn up by a number of independent CSRR groups and will go through an intensive process of consultation and piloting in 2004, and verification processes will be developed.

"CSRR-QS 1.0 will contribute in furthering the CSR debate in Europe. It will help address the issue of accountability of CSR analysis and enhance the leverage effect of SRI. It is also a significant step towards more convergence and transparency in the field of SRI. The Employment and Social Affairs DG of the Commission is pleased to have provided support to the development of this standard."

Dominique Bé, Deputy Head of Unit

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