Further Growth in European SRI Funds

Avanzi SRI Research and SiRi Company have published the 2005 version of their well-known survey "Green Social and Ethical Funds in Europe". As for past versions, the 2005 survey takes a census of European retail UCITS funds using ethical, social or environmental screens for portfolio selection.

During the last year – figures are by 30th June, 2005 – SRI funds’ assets realized a remarkable growth, achieving a total of 24.1 billion EUR (+ 26% compared to 19 billion EUR in 2004). The growth in the number of SRI funds on the market however slowed down and today stands at 375 (+6% compared to 354 in 2004).

The report is part of the SRI Funds Service, the most comprehensive data base on European SRI funds, maintained by Italian SiRi Network Partner Avanzi SRI Research and Morningstar. The SRI Funds Service enables asset managers to build SRI funds portfolios, to benchmark against peer groups and to review SRI policy and criteria. The SRI Funds Service is also used by corporations to better understand the reasons for being included / excluded by SRI portfolio managers.

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