Debunking 4 Myths About Sustainable Investing

Enthusiasm for sustainable investing is surging. Already, more than $8.7 trillion of investment capital is managed using environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in U.S. markets alone, according to the U.S. SIF Foundation. That’s a 184 percent increase since 2010. […] lees meer

Sustainalytics pulls out of Singapore

Sustainalytics struggled with soft market conditions in Singapore, and has turned its focus to regional operations in Australia and Japan. The global consultancy that helped the Singapore stock exchange launch its first ever sustainability index has closed its Singapore office.  Amsterdam-headquartered Sustainalytics was […] lees meer

Impactbeleggen is gebaat bij schaalbaarheid

Impactbeleggen kan een kanaal zijn voor institutionele beleggers om hun grootte en capaciteiten in te zetten om een marktbrede mobilisatie op gang te brengen ten gunste van een nationaal of mondiaal doel. Een voorbeeld daarvan is het aanpakken van de […] lees meer

What makes a bond “green”?

With increasing demand for, and increasing issuances of, green bonds, it is important for market participants and particularly new entrants to keep up-to-date with the applicable principals, guidelines and standards which are developing alongside the green bond market. This article highlights […] lees meer