In de aanloop naar de Klimaattop in Parijs een jaar geleden brachten de Nederlandse banken een Klimaatstatement uit. In dit jaar zijn belangrijke stappen gezet in het inzichtelijk maken en verbeteren van de klimaatimpact van banken. Chris Buijink, voorzitter van […]
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Moody’s Investors Service says that global green bonds volume reached another peak during the three months ended September 30, with the strongest quarterly issuance yet of $26.1 billion, while the amount for all of 2016 could rise to over $80 […]
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The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the European Investment Bank launch the Luxembourg-EIB Climate Finance Platform, aiming to mobilise investments for projects with a strong impact in the fight against climate change. The platform will contribute to the implementation of […]
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In its latest report on responsible investment, the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) presents the European asset management industry’s role and involvement in responsible investment and puts forward key recommendations for the future. The report is an update […]
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As much of the Southeast U.S. is cleaning up from Hurricane Matthew, the country’s 13th billion-dollar weather disaster this year, a new Ceres report ranks the nation’s largest insurance companies on their responses to escalating climate risks, including severe weather […]
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The European Investment Bank’s (EIB) InnovFin Advisory service received requests from the European Commission’s Research and Innovation Directorate General (DG R&I) and from the government of Luxembourg to study issues related to risk financing for circular economy projects. The result […]
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Dutch pension fund APG shared insights on long term investment today during a press conference in Guangzhou, China, indicating its long-term investment oriented strategy and highlighting its partnership with China’s E Fund. E Fund and APG has made an agreement to […]
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Crowdfunding is a popular way for people to invest. In 2015, an estimated EUR 4.2 billion was raised through crowdfunding platforms in Europe. And, increasingly it is being used to finance the growth of renewable energy. Part of the issue […]
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The Climate Standards Board has approved a new standard for climate-resilient water bonds, providing investors with a verifiable, science-based screening process to evaluate bond investments earmarked for financing sustainable water-based infrastructure projects. The new standard, or “Water Climate Bonds Criteria,” […]
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We already knew the greenback, here come the green bonds. This emerging security, whose yearly issuance still represents only 1% of the global bonds market, has the wind in its sails. Used primarily by institutions, large companies and local authorities, […]
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De grote investeringen die nodig zijn om het broeikaseffect tegen te gaan vereisen de oprichting van een nationale investeringsbank. Dat stelt de Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (WRR) in een gisteren gepresenteerde policybrief. Om de ambities op het gebied van […]
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Achterblijvende investeringen in duurzaam vastgoed zetten financiers en taxateurs aan het denken. Zij zoeken naar manieren om de waarde van toekomstbestendig vastgoed te onderbouwen. Tegelijkertijd is er geld nodig om renovaties, transformaties en nieuwbouw van dergelijke gebouwen te financieren. Weten […]
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