The latest bi-annual EY Renewable energy country attractiveness index (RECAI) sees European countries regaining ground after falling down the ranking to emerging markets in May 2016. When it comes to renewable energy green bonds, the report finds Europe experienced the greatest […]
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Global 50 law firm Goodwin announced the launch of the firm’s Impact & Responsible Investing (IRI) Practice. The formation of the IRI practice leverages Goodwin’s position as one of the only leading law firms with demonstrated expertise across asset classes. […]
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IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, issued a first-of-its-kind bond that gives investors the option of getting repaid in either carbon credits or cash, raising $152 million to support private sector development and prevent deforestation in developing countries. […]
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A new report out from Deloitte’s Center for Financial Services argues that now is the time for hedge funds to consider impact investing. Report authors suggest that impact investments can provide a new source of alpha in an otherwise challenging […]
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The PRI and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) have today released a new investor guide to support constructive dialogue with oil and gas companies around the world on methane emissions. An investor’s guide to methane offers practical guidance on how […]
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Investeringen in mens en milieu door bedrijven worden nog te weinig geïncorporeerd in aandelenprijzen. Maar het loont voor de CEO en CFO zeker om te letten op ESG-criteria. Dat stelt professor of finance Jenke ter Horst van de TIAS School […]
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Financial institutions (FIs) are looking to better understand the natural capital risks and opportunities associated with their direct operations, as well as their investment, lending and insurance portfolios. The Natural Capital Coalition, the Natural Capital Finance Alliance (NCFA) (formerly the […]
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In de aanloop naar de Klimaattop in Parijs een jaar geleden brachten de Nederlandse banken een Klimaatstatement uit. In dit jaar zijn belangrijke stappen gezet in het inzichtelijk maken en verbeteren van de klimaatimpact van banken. Chris Buijink, voorzitter van […]
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Moody’s Investors Service says that global green bonds volume reached another peak during the three months ended September 30, with the strongest quarterly issuance yet of $26.1 billion, while the amount for all of 2016 could rise to over $80 […]
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The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the European Investment Bank launch the Luxembourg-EIB Climate Finance Platform, aiming to mobilise investments for projects with a strong impact in the fight against climate change. The platform will contribute to the implementation of […]
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In its latest report on responsible investment, the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) presents the European asset management industry’s role and involvement in responsible investment and puts forward key recommendations for the future. The report is an update […]
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As much of the Southeast U.S. is cleaning up from Hurricane Matthew, the country’s 13th billion-dollar weather disaster this year, a new Ceres report ranks the nation’s largest insurance companies on their responses to escalating climate risks, including severe weather […]
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