On the one-year anniversary of the Paris climate agreement, the value of assets represented by institutions and individuals committing to some sort of divestment from fossil fuel companies has reached $5 trillion. To date, 688 institutions and 58,399 individuals across […]
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Impact investing refers to investments that intend to generate measurable social and/or environmental impacts, as well as a financial return. It is often described as ‘doing good while doing well’ and is part of a wider strategy to shift finance […]
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Impact Investing Trends: Evidence of a Growing Industry is the GIIN’s first-ever industry-level trends analysis on global impact investor market activity. The GIIN has conducted a rigorous annual survey of the growing community of impact investors since 2011, and this […]
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The 2016 ET Carbon Rankings report demonstrates that investors can help drive decarbonisation of the economy and make money by switching investment to favour companies with above-average levels of carbon efficiency. It reveals that out of the world’s 2,000 biggest […]
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A study released by the European Commission yesterday shows that green bonds have enjoyed extraordinary growth, since they were first issued in 2007. The study on the potential and functioning of green bond markets also identifies key bottlenecks and measures […]
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Bureau van Dijk, the leading provider of company information, has teamed up with RepRisk, a leading provider of business intelligence on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks. As a result of this partnership, Orbis, Bureau van Dijk’s database of more […]
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RobecoSAM, the investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing (SI), announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Aris Prepoudis as CEO from January 1, 2017, subject to FINMA approval. He will take over from Reto Schwager, who has led […]
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Voor de stimulering van hernieuwbare energieprojecten stelt het kabinet voor 2017 zowel in het voor- als najaar 6 miljard euro beschikbaar via de regeling SDE+. Voortzetting van deze regeling draagt bij aan het streven van het kabinet om in 2050 […]
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DNB gaat volgend jaar onderzoek doen naar de mogelijkheden om de risico’s van klimaatverandering voor de financiële sector te testen. Behalve naar verschillende toekomstscenario’s wordt ook gekeken naar het in kaart brengen van de risico’s van klimaatverandering voor vooral de […]
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BNP Paribas maakt vandaag bekend dat het de prijs heeft vastgesteld van haar eerste groene obligatie ter waarde van EUR 500 mln. De transactie kreeg veel interesse van beleggers waardoor een prijsstelling binnen de normale senior debt curve van BNP […]
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Investment Week is pleased to announce the winners of our Sustainable Investment Awards 2016, in categories including Best ESG Fund Management Group and Best Environmental fund. Now in their eighth year, Investment Week’s Sustainable Investment Awards are aimed at fund […]
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On Thursday 17 November, Belgian crowdfunding platform MyMicroInvest hosted an exclusive event in the city of Ghent, Magic 5, to celebrate the launch of Inventures II, the first venture-capital fund for impact businesses tackling the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). […]
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