Aegon publishes sixth Responsible Investment Report

Aegon Asset Management’s 2016 Responsible Investment Report outlines its commitment to embedding Environment, Sustainability and Governance in its decision making, and highlights how it is addressing key sustainability issues globally. The scale of the looming problem of climate change is […] lees meer

The growing role of ESG investing in portfolio management

Sustainable investing is gaining momentum among financial market participants. To meet rising investor demand, more asset managers are incorporating “environmental, social and governance” considerations into their investing strategies and an increasing amount of research suggests that their approach aligns with […] lees meer

ACTIAM N.V. benoemt Chief Investment Officer

ACTIAM N.V. heeft een nieuw directielid in haar bestuur opgenomen. Arnold Gast is per 1 juni 2017 gestart als Chief Investment Officer (CIO). Hij zal in deze rol verdere invulling geven aan het onderscheidende verantwoorde beleggingsbeleid van ACTIAM. Hans van […] lees meer