Global Sustain releases global report on ESG market

Global Sustain Group conducted and released recently a new ESG/SRI & Impact Investments Market Report and Benchmark Analysis, entitled “ESG Investing. From Niche to Mainstream”. The report provides insights of the ESG market in Europe, in USA and globally, presenting […] lees meer

Eurosif launches Transparency Code 4.0

Eurosif, the European Sustainable Investment Forum, and the national SIFs have launched last month the fourth version of the European SRI Transparency Code. The new Code reflects recent crucial developments in the SRI industry and is geared towards guiding asset managers […] lees meer

ABP koopt groene obligaties van België

Op 26 februari heeft ABP voor € 360 miljoen belegd in groene obligaties van de Belgische staat. Met de uitgifte wil België investeren in projecten die klimaatverandering tegengaan. België is het tweede West-Europese land dat groene obligaties uitgeeft na Frankrijk. […] lees meer

NEW REPORT: Banking on a Low-Carbon Future

A new report by Boston Common Asset Management, Banking on a Low-Carbon Future, which examines climate management by 59 of the world’s largest banks has found urgent shortcomings that threaten to undermine efforts to support the transition to a low-carbon economy. Despite […] lees meer