“The economy wasn’t created to make money, the economy was created to add value” (quoted from the film of PYMWYMIC & Finance in Motion which will be shown during the event).
And according to the Financial Times, ‘Impact investing is investing with the specific objective of achieving positive social and/or environmental impact as well as financial return.’
But, what is really meant by impact investing? Is it an asset class? Can it be a product and/or a service? Where does impact investing differentiate from, for instance, traditional investing, responsible investing, sustainable investing & ESG?
And finally, is the world ready for this relatively new form of investments? In our first panel discussion, experts in this field, such as ASN Bank, Fair Capital Partners, PYMWYMIC, Amundi and REDD+ will touch upon these topics.
In a second panel discussion, frontrunners in these markets, represented by Finance in Motion, ResponsAbility, Symbiotics, Amundi and Phenix Capital, will showcase innovative business opportunities to prevent climate change.
You will get insights into how you can make an impact from your investment as pension fund, bank, family or (institutional) investor. Such an impact can be positive in terms of social and environmental impact as well as financial return for the investor.
After this session you will have gained new insights into practical opportunities for impact investing, based on examples from leading asset managers and innovative frontrunners.
13:00 Registration
13.20 Welcome and introduction by Willem Tielenius Kruythoff
13.30 Panel discussion: What is impact investing?
Moderator: Gerben Jorritsma with Piet Sprengers, Jasper Snoek, Maarten van Dam, Marjolein van Dongen & Rudi Daelmans
15.00 Break
15.20 Panel discussion: The story of Impact investors and climate change
Moderator: Paul Broholm with Antoine Predour, Steffen Klawitter, Florian Grohs, Tegwen Le Berthe & Sophie Robe
16.50 Closing
17.00 Networking drinks
18:00 End of program
Piet Sprengers, Head Sustainability ASN Bank,
Jasper Snoek, Director Impact Investing Fair Capital Partners,
Maarten van Dam, Investor and Business Strategist PYMWYMIC
Marjolein van Dongen, Head of ESG Benelux Markets Amundi.
Sophie Robe, Founder & co-CEO of Phenix Capital
Antoine Prédour, Head of Global Climate Partnership Fund, ResponsAbility
Steffen Klawitter, Director Investor Relations, Finance in Motion
Florian Grohs, Managing Director, Symbiotics NL
Tegwen Le Berthe, Head of ESG Development Amundi
Rudi Daelmans, Chairman of REDD+ Business Initiative
Willem Tielenius Kruythoff, Portfolio Manager ASN Bank
Paul Broholm, Directeur Institutional Services InsingerGilissen
Gerben Jorritsma, Board Member CFA Society VBA Netherlands