The Redevco ESG policy is launched

In today’s ever increasingly transparent investment world, businesses are called to lead the way on major – even global – topics that potentially have huge economic, societal and environmental consequences. Redevco wants to be a responsible investment manager and has […] lees meer

Lendahand voegt USD toe aan portfolio

Lendahand start binnenkort met iets nieuws: er komen nieuwe projecten op het platform die gefinancierd worden in Amerikaanse dollars (USD). Tot nu toe hebben wij met onze partners altijd projecten in euro (EUR) aangeboden. Dankzij investeringsmogelijkheden in USD openen er voor […] lees meer

ING rated ‘strong’ for ESG by S&P

ING’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices have been rated ‘strong’ by credit rating agency S&P Global Ratings (S&P). Our score of 83 is one of the highest among those disclosed, which range from 40 to 89 out of 100. […] lees meer